by Healing Hands Chiropractic Staff | Jan 31, 2019 | Blog, Chiropractic, Conditions, Headache
Headaches are so common in the sense that two-out-of-three people in the world suffer from them. A headache can be frequent or occasional. It can also be throbbing or dull. Others are complicated by nausea, a running nose, and swelling. It all depends on the trigger...
by Healing Hands Chiropractic Staff | Nov 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Chiropractic treatment has been around for a while, it has been used over the years to relieve pain associated with nerves and muscles. So it shouldn’t take you by surprise when you see chiropractor speaking about managing or treating pinched nerves. Medical...
by Healing Hands Chiropractic Staff | Oct 29, 2018 | Local Murfreesboro News
Murfreesboro is a great place to visit, and its beautiful environment makes it even better. There is no doubt that Murfreesboro is one of the fastest growing cities in Tennessee. It is also an affordable place to visit compared to other cities. This place is known to...
by Healing Hands Chiropractic Staff | Oct 5, 2018 | Blog, chiropractic events, Healthy Living, Holiday
Fall is prime festival season in Murfreesboro Tennessee, and on almost any upcoming weekend, you could enjoy a free festival celebrating everything from Shakespeare and Oktoberfest, to books and history, to country ham and the diverse Nashville culture. Nashville...
by Healing Hands Chiropractic Staff | Oct 5, 2018 | Blog, Chiropractic, Conditions
Herniated discs are common causes of low back pain. They can cause dull aching pain or severe sharp stabbing pain with muscle weakness and loss of feeling. The pain will often radiate from the back down the leg. The severity of symptoms and the time it takes to heal...
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