How Do Celebrities Avoid Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
Celebrities use such products as rosehip oil, coconut oil, olive oil and Bio-oil to prevent stretch marks associated with pregnancy. Stretch marks...

What To Do After A Positive Pregnancy Test?
The first thing you should do after a positive pregnancy test is to access your current health and resolve to take steps to ensure a healthy...

How Many Ultrasounds Are Normal During Pregnancy?
Normally, individuals expecting a baby receive two ultrasounds during their pregnancy. However, existing health conditions, concerns about fetal...

Chiropractic Pregnancy Pillows: Do They Actually Work?
What are chiropractic pregnancy pillows? Chiropractic pregnancy pillows are pillows that are specially designed to support the pregnant body. They...

Why See A Chiropractor During Pregnancy?
Seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can be helpful for dealing with general pregnancy discomfort and specific musculoskeletal problems that can...

When To See A Chiropractor During Pregnancy
There is no set schedule recommended for chiropractic care during pregnancy. In general, visits to your chiropractor can be scheduled on a monthly...

What is the Worst Sports Injury?
The worst sports injury is a fracture of the vertebrae in the neck or back, which can lead to paralysis. In some cases, the individual can recover...

What Are Some Red Flags For Neck Pain?
Some of the red flags for neck pain that could mean a serious condition include severe pain, persistent pain, pain after an accident, symptoms such...

How To Stop Back Pain During Pregnancy
Back pain during pregnancy is a common problem that can be relieved with conservative measures such as rest, exercise, stretching, heat packs, ice...

What Causes Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy?
Sciatica during pregnancy is caused by a number of factors, including hormonal changes, increasing weight and changing posture as the fetus grows....