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Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches

Headaches are so common in the sense that two-out-of-three people in the world suffer from them. A headache can be frequent or occasional. It can also be throbbing or dull. Others are complicated by nausea, a running nose, and swelling. It all depends on the trigger or cause. You can suffer a headache because of an environmental stimulus like noise, unsafe light from a computer or a smartphone, and because of stress. You can also suffer a headache from driving, sitting behind a desk, sleeping on your tummy, and playing computer games for long.

Research shows that 5% of the headaches are caused by physical triggers. However, the remaining 95% of the cases do not have a specific trigger since a headache itself is the primary trigger. So, they are not associated with any other ailment besides a headache. A good example is migraines. Regardless of the type, studies show that headaches can be treated by chiropractic care. So that you may understand what the role that chiropractic treatments play in managing headaches, let’s briefly look at the headache types that are treated by the traditional practice.

Common Types of Headaches Treatable by Chiropractic Care

  1. Migraines

Migraines, according to most people, are the most severe form of a headache. The unfortunate thing is that they are not just painful but they are also characterized by symptoms like light sensitivity, temporary loss of vision, and vomiting. In addition, these symptoms are recurrent. There is no apparent trigger for the condition as they can range from foods to sleep patterns. Seeking chiropractic care is key to addressing the real trigger of your migraines and overcoming the condition.

  1. Cluster Headache

A cluster headache can be as severe as a migraine. Nonetheless, it doesn’t last as long as migraines and has the habit of recurring often. You are likely to experience one-sided pain alongside nasal congestion and tears. According to experts, a cluster headache is seasonal and may be mistaken for an allergy. The pain is usually associated with a misalignment of the cervical area and you need chiropractic care to correct it.

  1. A Tension Headache

Some people confuse tension headaches with migraines. Unlike migraines, tension headaches are generally the least severe. The condition won’t inhibit you from continuing with your normal routine. You also don’t suffer an issue like vision loss as it’s the case of migraines. However, it’s characterized by symptoms like poor posture and sleep interference. You need chiropractic help to address these symptoms.

  1. A Rebound Headache

Are you a painkiller addict? Then, it’s likely that the headaches that you experience most of the time are a rebound type. It occurs when you overuse OTC prescriptions such as Advil and Tylenol. The symptoms of this headache are similar to the withdrawal effects of alcohol. Chiropractic treatments will not only help you treat the condition but also to prevent it.

  1. A Sinus Headache

This type of a headache is characterized by a running nose. In a severe case, the face may swell. So, it’s generally a rough experience. The funny thing though is that once the swelling subsides or the running nose stops, the headache fades. Even though a salt water spray or a decongestant may help, you need to talk to a chiropractor about the right adjustment. The expert will advise you on the ideal treatment depending on your headache.

Headaches and Chiropractic Treatments

Headaches are among the most popular conditions treated by chiropractic care. Studies show that 10% of patients who visit a chiropractor do it solely to treat headaches. 90% of them are likely to see a reduction in their headaches. Dr. Dee at Healing Hands Chiropractic may perform any of the following practices to help you treat a headache:

  1. Perform a spinal manipulation technique on you: This is meant to try to improve your spinal function. The techniques will also target to alleviate the weight and stress that’s placed on your spinal system. They include:
  • Spinal mobilization – The role of this technique is to reduce oxidative stress. The stress causes damage to your body by triggering a headache, among other concerns. Therefore, a chiropractor will try to relieve the stressed spine by gently manipulating it using hands.
  • Maintenance care – This is meant to prevent a headache from recurring. In this case, a chiropractor will perform minor massages on the back of your head to help get rid of and prevent recurring headaches.
  • Muscle rub – This involves using a traditional remedy like cayenne to rub your tensed muscles. Cayenne helps to promote circulation and in the long run, treats and prevents headaches.
  • Essential oils massage – The chiropractor may also decide to use lavender oil, peppermint oil or any other essential oil to reduce your sensitivity to headaches. Using the oils, the expert will massage you gently on the head.
  1. Provide posture and workout advice: The expert will suggest physical routines like yoga postures that you can do to improve your body positioning and to relax at home. The routines will help to relieve muscle tension.
  2. Recommend a nutrition plan: The expert may suggest a change in diet, for example, a gluten-free diet, to help to prevent headaches.

Preventive Approaches

According to the American Chiropractic Association, there are a number of chiropractic practices that you can do to prevent headaches. They include:

  • Learn to take a break when doing something that involves long hours of sitting or long hours of staring at a screen. Whether it’s reading over the internet or typing for long hours, learn to take pauses every 30 minutes. This will help to stretch your head and to position it into a comfortable position.
  • Take at least 8 glasses of clean water a day to rehydrate your body. Since headaches are related to dehydration, you are able to counter the effects by drinking plenty of water.
  • Engage in low-impact physical exercises such as aerobics and walking.
  • Avoid clenching your teeth even when disappointed or angry as this stress your TMJ (temporomandibular joint). The Irritation of the joint easily translates to a headache.

Closing Thought:

There is no doubt that better chiropractic care is key to preventing and treating the most common headaches. Dr. Dee is well trained to help you get rid of the discomfort. They know the relationship between your spine and the head and so they are the ideal people to consider when either of the parts has an issue. If you been trying different treatments for headaches to no avail, it’s time you seek chiropractic help. Contact Healing Hands Chiropractic today!