Seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can be helpful for dealing with general pregnancy discomfort and specific musculoskeletal problems that can result from increased weight and the shifting center of gravity. Chiropractic care offers the advantage of providing pain relief without strong pain relievers.
Individuals who have never seen a chiropractor before may have concerns about the method’s safety during pregnancy. However, chiropractic treatment has been found to be both safe and effective for back pain and other problems, eliminating the need for strong drugs that might injure the developing fetus. For this reason, chiropractic is often the best choice for pregnancy discomfort.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
The musculoskeletal system of the pregnant individual undergoes significant changes over the course of gestation. These changes put additional strain on muscles, nerves and spinal discs, which can lead to discomfort and strain. Chiropractic treatment helps to alleviate strain, without the use of strong pain-relieving medications, a significant concern for the health of the fetus.
Alleviation of Back Pain
Back pain is a common problem during pregnancy, due to postural changes to accommodate the growing fetus, shifting of the center of gravity and pressure on internal organs. Chiropractic adjustment can be highly effective for back pain.
Reduction of Nausea and Vomiting
Chiropractic care can help to reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, by increasing circulation, improving nervous system function and reducing anxiety.
Improved Pelvic Balance
Regular chiropractic visits can also help to improve pelvic balance, allowing greater comfort and more room for proper positioning of the fetus for birth.
Support for Optimal Fetal Positioning
Chiropractic care can also improve the positioning of the fetus by correcting misalignments of the spinal structures, allowing optimum room in the abdomen and uterus. This improvement can help to avoid breech positions of the fetus that can complicate normal birth.
Shorter Labor Durations
Chiropractic care during pregnancy can be helpful in facilitating normal positioning of the fetus and can reduce the time and severity of labor.
Decreased Reliance on Pain Medication
When the spine is in normal position, the pregnant individual experiences less strain on the muscles, tendons and nerves, and there is less need for the use of medications to reduce discomfort.
Improved Sleep Quality
Healthy positioning of the spine improves general physical well being, which makes it easier to find comfortable positions for sleeping.
Reduced Sciatica Symptoms
The growing uterus can often put increased pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can result in pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in the legs. Chiropractic treatment can help to alleviate these symptoms.
Safety and Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care
The American Pregnancy Association has determined chiropractic care to be safe and effective during pregnancy, and it can be helpful in relieving a number of pregnancy-related conditions.
First Trimester Adjustments
Chiropractic care during the first trimester can reduce nausea and vomiting, as help with muscle and joint discomfort from hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
Second Trimester Adjustments
During the second trimester, women often experience more curvature in the lower spine from the growing fetus, as well as loosening in the joints in preparation for birth. Treatment can help to reduce discomfort from these problems.
Third Trimester Adjustments
The third trimester can lead to increased weight gain, discomfort from pressure on internal organs and the maximum shifting of the center of gravity. Chiropractic adjustment can offer relief during this final period of pregnancy.
Post-Partum Adjustments
After months of adjusting for the changes in posture during pregnancy, the post-partum period must adjust for a return to normal spinal positioning and balance. Chiropractic care can help reduce discomfort as your body returns to normal.
Role of Prenatal Chiropractors
Your prenatal chiropractors can be an important part of your pregnancy care team, helping you to navigate the uncomfortable symptoms that often occur during the gestation period.
Specialized Techniques
Chiropractic methods include techniques that can help with specific types of discomfort during pregnancy, such as myofascial release for targeted areas of pain and the Webster technique, which can be helpful in positioning the fetus for a normal birth, according to the Healthline site.
Individualized Treatment Plans
Your chiropractor can design a treatment plan for your unique needs. Each person’s body accommodates that changes of pregnancy differently, so an individualized approach can offer significant relief.
Integration with Healthcare Providers
You should discuss your intention of having chiropractor care with your obstetrician to ensure there are no medical conditions present that would make chiropractic treatment hazardous to your pregnancy.
Addressing Potential Risks
Your chiropractor will ask you a number of questions about your health and your pregnancy to ensure you have safe and effective treatment.
Common Concerns
There is no evidence that chiropractic care during pregnancy leads to increased risk of miscarriage increased bleeding, irritation of nerves or premature labor.
Evidence-Based Safety Measures
Your chiropractor will ensure that techniques used during your pregnancy are both safe and effective, and that the methods used will put no pressure on the abdomen.
Contraindications for Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Although generally safe, chiropractic care should not be done on individuals who have experienced vaginal bleeding, suspected ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, placenta abruption or toxemia of pregnancy.
Combining Chiropractic with Traditional Prenatal Care
You should always discuss having chiropractic care with your obstetrician/gynecologist before getting treatment. In this way, your doctor can ensure there are no conditions present that would make chiropractic treatment inadvisable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should you go to the chiropractor while pregnant?
Having chiropractic care can be beneficial for pregnant women in dealing with areas of discomfort, poor balance, sleep problems and other issues.
How can I decompress my spine while pregnant?
Gentle stretching is a good way to decompress spinal structures without putting undue stress on the abdomen during pregnancy.
Why did I cry after a chiropractor?
Some patients find themselves crying after a chiropractic adjustment. This reaction is caused by relief of tension in the muscles and joints.
Can chiropractors help with passing out?
Chiropractic care can help individuals who experience fainting during pregnancy. According to a study at the National Library of Medicine site, fainting is associated with a number of hazards to the developing child.
How often should I see a chiropractor during pregnancy?
Generally, you should have chiropractic treatment about once each month to maximize your physical comfort during pregnancy. You may have specific problems that require more frequent visits.
Are there specific certifications for prenatal chiropractors?
Chiropractors interested in providing treatment for women during pregnancy often receive additional training and certification that helps them to care for the particular specialized needs of these individuals.