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Benefits of Chiropractic for Men

Traditionally, men are ‘hardy’ beings. Often, we tend to dispel signs of discomfort early until it’s too much for us to bear. Unlike women, we tend to take issues like headaches and joint aches as just a by the way. We assume that such discomforts can be treated with pain killers or herbs and a bit of rest. Though such approaches are sometimes effective, they do not address the underlying issue.

Generally, it’s important that you know what’s making the body ache so as you can address it. This is where chiropractic for men comes in. It’s a holistic natural approach for all body discomforts. The treatment involves manual (by hand) adjustment of the spine and aching parts to bring about relief and restoration to body functions. The interesting part about all this is that no drugs are used and that the whole practice is non-invasive.

Today, chiropractors do more than treat an underlying musculoskeletal condition. They also diagnose these conditions and are able to offer preventive care against a majority of them. The whole idea of offering chiropractic is to enable your body to heal and defend itself. This is achievable by treating misalignments (subluxations). Now that you know what chiropractic is, it’s time you learn some of its benefits that you may have been missing on:

  1. No to Hypertension

Back in 2007, a team of researchers led by top hypertension expert George Bakris did research on the role of chiropractic on high blood pressure. To their surprise, they found that one session of chiropractic adjustment has the same effect as two doses of hypertension medications. So, they concluded that chiropractic can help avoid the use of hypertension drugs and still be able to enjoy regulated blood pressure.

  1. Strong Muscles

Men are all about muscles. Simply we are expected to be stronger than our opposite sex. This, however, cannot be said about every man out there. Chiropractic is there to make things right for all men, nonetheless. Through body adjustments, your muscles are properly aligned. The same can also be said about the bones. In the end, you are able to enjoy improved muscular energy and body strength.

  1. Better Immunity

Generally, there must be communication between the body and the brain for it (the body) to defend itself. However, the medium used for communication is the spine. If there’s a misalignment on it, then the flow of communication between the two parts is affected and so is the immunity. Through chiropractic, the spine is cleared of any obstruction to ensure that the body is healed naturally.

  1. Back Pain Relief

Back pain is one of the commonest and most serious physical conditions in men. Some are serious enough to interfere with posture and to cause disabilities. Luckily, the condition can be managed effectively with chiropractic. According to one study, men who go through several chiropractic sessions show drastic improvement against back pain. Whether it’s acute pain or chronic pain, chiropractic will help.

  1. Faster Recovery

We’ve already mentioned how important the spine is in promoting healing. Generally, it helps you not just to recover from an injury or an infection but also do it quickly. Your immune system, in this case, becomes more adaptive and effective against the condition at hand. For this reason, it’s advisable to see a chiropractor after sustaining a sports or work injury.

  1. Better Posture

Essentially, posture is controlled by the spine. If you have a problem with sitting or standing properly, it’s likely that your spine is misaligned. Since a chiropractor specializes in spinal alignment, the expert will adjust your spine effectively to eliminate subluxations. In the end, you are able to regain your posture. Additionally, a chiropractor will advise you on how to maintain your posture even at home.

  1. Headache Relief

Men get headaches for different reasons. It may be due to stress, exhaustion, drug reactions or an underlying condition. Regardless, you need to treat it. According to research, you can do it safely with chiropractic without risking side effects associated with analgesics. The research shows that chiropractic adjustments are effective both against migraines and tension headaches.

  1. Quality Sleep

Are you aware that your sleep is determined by your spine alignment? Well, if there are subluxations on the spine, your sleep quality is affected. You’ll experience periodic wakefulness because of discomforts felt on the spine. Fortunately, a chiropractor can make it all go away. By treating subluxations, your sleep quality is improved. This means you can start sleeping soundly for longer without waking up unnecessarily in the middle of the night.

  1. Stress Management

Though stress can be good when you are in some high-performance demanding situations, it can be bad for your health. It’s known to cause heart disease, hypertension, mental exhaustion, and muscle wasting. So, you need to manage it and you can do it with regular chiropractic. By eliminating subluxations, balance is brought back to your nerves and you are able to enjoy stress relief in the long run.

  1. Surgery Prevention

As already mentioned, chiropractic does not just treat but also prevents. According to a recent publication, chiropractic should be considered by patients who are planning to have surgery. By going for chiropractic adjustments, these patients can improve their chance of not only getting better but also of avoiding surgery entirely.

  1. Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is mostly associated with men with arthritis. However, it can also happen to anyone who suffers an injury to the joint. The cause notwithstanding, chiropractic adjustments will help. By adjusting your spine, you start to experience comfort and pain relief throughout the musculoskeletal system, joints included. This is because the entire musculoskeletal system is directly connected to the spine.

  1. Healthier Lifestyle

A chiropractor is not just a therapeutic technician whose work is to realign your body. This expert is also a health advisor. You are able to benefit holistically in as far as your health is concerned. The expert is there to advise you on the following aspects of your health:

  • Better workout routine
  • Proper dieting
  • Body rest
  • Mental health

The whole health counseling idea is meant to help you make better decisions in the future pertaining to your general wellbeing.

Closing Thought:

For men, chiropractic is clearly beneficial. It’s able to treat and prevent conditions that most men struggle with on a daily basis. So, if you have been looking for a more direct, safe, and minimally invasive treatment for your body discomfort, then you should consider chiropractic. Just give a chiropractor a call now!