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15 Benefits of Local Honey

We all know what refined sugar can do to our health. Just think of issues like diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, and heart disease. Wouldn’t you want to avoid these risks and still be able to sweeten your food and drinks? Well, research shows that swapping refined sugar from local honey is tremendous for your health. It may be crucial in avoiding these health risks. But, what does local honey contains which makes it great for your health?

For one, local honey contains antibacterial molecules like glucose oxidase which are necessary for fighting pathogenic bacteria. This is important when it comes to promoting fast healing. Two, local honey is rich in antioxidants that are known to stimulate tissue regeneration. This comes into effect after you suffer tissue damage.

Three, local honey is naturally hygroscopic. What this means is that it helps your skin to stay moisturized and heal much faster. Last but not least, local honey is a vital source of energy. You need this energy for your body and brain. Having seen these amazing properties of local honey, it’s now time to see the roles that they play in your health and wellbeing.

  1. Allergy Relief

Each new season, people suffer from varying forms of seasonal allergies. But you don’t have to worry about this if you have local honey with you. It’ll help to build up your natural immunity so as you can be able to fight seasonal allergens like pollen and weed. The symptoms will be suppressed significantly, though it takes time.

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure

So many people with high blood pressure are susceptible to heart disease. This risk can be lowered by including local honey in your dieting. Studies show that honey contains amazing antioxidants which regulate your blood pressure. So, instead of it shooting up, it’s lowered to acceptable levels.

  1. Regulate Cholesterol

Just like high blood pressure, bad cholesterol is a risk for heart disease. When it builds up around your arteries, it may lead to a stroke or a heart attack. The levels need to be reduced. According to research, you can discourage bad cholesterol while improving good cholesterol by taking local honey.

  1. Treats Low Libido

Are you surprised by this benefit? Well, it’s normal to be. Researchers argue that you can actually improve your sex drive with regular consumption of local honey. It helps both men and women to be easily aroused in bed. Thus, it can be used as a natural remedy for treating low libido.

  1. Improves Fertility

Local honey does not just improve sex drive but also helps to treat fertility issues. It’s known to improve sperm count and chances of fertilization. This happens when you consume it with unrefined goat milk. You’ll have to include this diet in your regular routine if you are looking to have the best results.

  1. Scalp and Hair Care

According to a finding by the European Journal of Medical Research, local honey is effective in getting rid of dandruff from your head and to minimize scalp itchiness. In addition, it helps to prevent premature hair loss. However, you have to apply it on your scalp and hair on a weekly basis.

  1. Skin Care

Honey plays two major roles on your skin. One, it’s a natural skin moisturizer. Basically, it helps to hydrate and soften your skin. To enjoy a smooth skin, you can either take local honey orally or apply it as an ointment. Two, it helps to reduce skin acne and eczema. To get rid of these conditions, you need to apply local honey topically.

  1. Sleep Aid

Local honey helps you to sleep better and healthily in two ways. One, it restores glycogen reserves in the body. The glycogen reserve protects your brain from lacking energy and so you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night because you can’t sleep. Two, taking local honey eventually promotes the secretion of melatonin, a known sleep restorer.

  1. Weight Loss

According to a recent finding by the San Diego State University, local honey can be used to shed off some extra pounds. It has the power to boost your metabolism and so you tend to have more energy for working out. Additionally, local honey reduces triglyceride levels which are highly associated with weight gain.

  1. Treat Wounds

Local honey has several properties which makes it a great treatment solution for wounds. For one, it possesses antimicrobial elements that help it get rid of bacteria around a wound. Two, the antioxidants present in it stimulate tissue proliferation and regeneration. Lastly, it moistens the treated area to encourage fast healing.

  1. Suppresses Cough

Cough is a common condition, especially among children. The good news is that it can be suppressed naturally by taking local honey. You can use local honey as a cough syrup. Of course, you have to regulate the dosage since it’s very sweet and your kids may want more. A tablespoonful a day is okay.

  1. Anti-Cancer Effects

Very few foods have anti-cancer properties. Local honey happens to be one of them. Research shows that it can be used to prevent the growth of cancerous tumors and to also slow down the proliferation of existing ones. This is because local honey contains powerful phenolic compounds like Ferulic Acid, Gallic-Acid, Caffeic acid, and Syringic Acid. These promote anti-cancer effects.

  1. Energy Boost

Local honey contains about 80% natural sugar and the rest is water (18%) and nutrients (2%). The natural sugar is a source of energy for your brain. You need it to work out and to concentrate at work. No wonder local honey is referred to as the powerful fuel for your body and brain.

  1. Treats Hangover

You probably swear that you’ll never go back into drinking each time you wake up with a devastating hangover. Only to forget the pledge after you are feeling better. You actually, don’t have to go through such anguish. Just take local honey after you have had one too many and it will help to detoxify you. It metabolizes alcohol faster and this reduces its bioavailability.

  1. Improves Short-term Memory

A recent study by Reuters shows that menopausal women can have improved short-term memory if they take local honey frequently. However, the improvement isn’t that massive to argue that local honey alone can be used for memory boost. But still, a small improvement is better than no improvement.

Closing Thought:

With the above benefits in mind, it’s convincing that you need local honey in your life. It’s the perfect substitute for refined sugars when it comes to meal preparations and a great natural remedy when it comes to preventative and curative health. Whether you take it orally or apply it topically, the results are just incredible. It’s really worth your money.